Prof. Dr. Adrian Ritz

Managing Director, Delegate of the University Management for Continuing Education, Professor of Public Management

Prof. Dr. Adrian Ritz is the Managing Director of the Competence Center for Public Management (KPM) at the University of Bern and holds a professorship in Public Management at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Bern.

Adrian Ritz's work and research focuses on Administrative Sciences and Public Management. He researches and teaches in particular on the topics of Public Service Motivation, Employer Attractiveness, Public Sector Leadership as well as the Performance of Individuals, Teams and Organisations. Adrian Ritz has published in the following journals: Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, International Public Management Journal, International Journal of Public Administration, International Review of Administrative Sciences, Public Administration, Public Management Review, Public Money and Management, Review of Public Personnel Administration and Human Resource Management. Adrian Ritz is a member of the editorial boards of the Public Administration Review, the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory as well as the International Review of Administrative Sciences.

Adrian Ritz is the delegate of the University’s Board of Directors and the president of the University’s Commission for Continuing Education. He is also a member of the Advisory Board of the Center for Philanthropy Studies (CEPS) at the University of Basel, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Swiss Paraplegic Research Corporation (SPF AG), and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Swiss Paraplegic Foundation (SPS). From 2016 to 2018, he was the Chairman of the Scientific Commission for Public Business Administration (WK OeBWL) of the Association of University Teachers of Business Administration (VHB) in German-speaking countries. From 2017 to 2022, he was the Vice-Chairman of the Accreditation Committee of the European Association for Public Administration Accreditation (EAPAA).

Ritz teaches and conducts research at universities in Germany and abroad. He has held a visiting professorship at the University of the Bundeswehr in Munich and has been a Research Scholar at the Indiana University, School for Public and Environmental Affairs, Bloomington IN (USA) and at the University of Georgia, School of Public and International Affairs, Department of Public Administration and Policy, in Athens GA (USA). He is a frequent speaker and expert for public institutions on the federal, cantonal and municipal level. 


Professor Adrian Ritz supervises Master theses in the field of Public Management and Public Administration. Core topics are:

1. Leadership and Motivation in Public Management

2. Public Human Resources Management and Public Personnel policies

3. Public Administration Reform and Change of Public Bureaucracies


For further information please see the german version, the attached document below, or contact Adrian Ritz.